Space-time 01 (Ryoanji)
This series of images explores the idea that space and time are connected, a finding of 20th century science.
About purchasing a print, following is a list of print (digital paper) and post in a roll costs (NZ only).
400 x 112.5mm (40 x 11.25cm) print and post in roll $34, signed edition 180
630 x 180mm (63 x 18cm) print and post in roll $66, signed edition 150
840 x 236mm (84 x 23.6cm) print and post in roll $143, signed edition 120
1260 x 355mm (126 x 35.5cm) print and post in roll $293, signed edition 60
1680 x 475mm (168cm x 47.5cm) print & post in roll $495, signed edition 30
2030 x 650mm (203 x 65cm) print and post in roll $752, signed edition 10
To enquire about purchase, paper type, international postage and framing options, contact
ian at ianclothier dot com.