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the river speaks


the river speaks

Installation view - the first three photos are by Chris Hill


the river speaks

This is an installation view showing the text and the rotating star background of Te Huirangi Waikerepuru's chart


the river speaks Jo Tito

The patterns of water flow are captured by Jo Tito in this still from her moving image work - the sweeping arcs recalling the koru and kowhaiwhai while the multiple lines reference waves from a structural point of view - where these overlap there is a sense of weaving taking place


the river speaks Ian Clothier

The central assemblage piece


the river speaks Ian Clothier

Alternate view of the assemblage - feathers are engineered to optimise flow over their surfaces



The River Speaks connects live river data from the Waiwhakaiho River to our project website, where the data controls the audio heard. The audio is one part of an installation consisting of a small assemblage located in between two video sources. The audio, video and installation all are reference points to rivers and flow.