Index of projectsHaiku robotsParallel universesDistrict of LeistaviaWavelengthsM A studyWhy



wai, water, aqua, to'


Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru, pictured above in a still from the Sharmila Samant video about water, is a highly respected Māori Kaumatua (elder) from Aotearoa New Zealand and provided the core concept and ideological underpinning for Wai.

Audio files made by Navajo/Dineh musician Andrew Thomas

The second project component was Pou Hihiri (the womb of the universe), seen in detail above.

A still from Jo Tuito's video of Wai.

Sink by Julian Priest

Twe Reo (Maori language) words emerge from the landscape of Taranaki in the animation by Cmielewski and Starrs


List of works