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world tree ensemble : kauri flow


McCahon House Kauri

This Kauri is along the path to the McCahon residency cottage in Titrangi. The cable and connector are part of the sensor apparatus, measuring nutrient flow in the tree. The data then goes up to the project website, controlling audio. This tree is quite sad to see, as it's upper branches are withering away.

Te Uru sapling

Te Uru saplins

Te Uru saplings

These are the saplings in Te Uru Waitakere. The tree voltage data, combined with that from the deseased tree at the McCahon house, controls the audio heard through the speakers.As can be seen above, one probe goes in to the ground and one into the trunk of the sapling.

Kauri data

As well as nutrient flow voltage data, we are also taking light and temperature readings. Above is an image of the data we are receiving - the top image is the McCahon House kauri, while the bottom image is from the saplings. Data lines A, B and C are voltage readings; you can see from the difference in the profile of the data, that the flow is significantly restricted in the McCahon House kauri, where the voltage has only a small range.


This project connects via the internet a diseased Kauri tree at the McCahon house in Titirangi, with two Kauri saplings in Te Uru Waitakere gallery. The live voltage readings from the trees determine which of 80 audio files are played on the project website. Kauri are natives and giants of the forest. The most well known is called Tane Mahuta, Lord of the Forest.