nonlinear discussion ian
Re this bit: "I am white and have red hair, therefore I am an oddity within
that larger group and that's been fairly consistent throughout (despite red hair
being widely available as a "fashion colour" in the shops, Britain treats
"ginger" as the last pisstake allowed in our "pc world" (also
a chain of computer stores.)" You're getting onto it there... pc world
being noun and adjective. Meaning is slipping. What we are looking for is weird
connections 'strange loops and tangled hierarchies' (Hofstadter). jenny
That puts me in mind of rooty things......aerial roots (like on a Swiss cheese
plant)! ian But also, let me say yes I understand all the subculture
terms, I was in London mostly, 1988-90. jenny AHA! where were
you? Ian I'm also an oddity within a larger group, coming from
two cultures. Red. I hesitate to say it, but I'm obsessed with the colour
red. Always have been. It doesn't mean all my friends have red hair or anything,
it just persists as a force in me. Enough! jenny That's intersting..funnily
enough, my partner (of 7 years) apparently once told his mum that if he ever had
a baby girl he'd call her "Red". When we had our baby girl, I thought
up the name "Rowan"...guess what? It means red in gaelic! Weird enough
for ya? Ian Cloud paintings. Now there's an interesting connection.
I look forward to seeing your cloud pictures. Jenny That would
be interesting, to compare how we both thought of them, from what angles we both
approached them... mine started from the idea that in the past, clouds were oracles:
harbingers or messengers carrying information in the same way as "scrying"
and I cast them over nets (present day then, way back in 1995) visual metaphor
of globalinfo only they got all mutated and bent along the way, just like information
itself. Ian That's what I found; the clouds could mutate to any
structure, natural or human. I never saw the supposed distinction between nature
and culture. Like one photo (on the right hand side) of the painted rocks on the
geology page, which from that angle looks like a bear.
Why does a rock look like a bear? What does that tell us about nature? ------ In
nonlinear complex systems, energy/matter/natural/cultural boundaries are breached.
Rocks and plants can have equal voice to other cultures; energies migrate through
all. Dialogue takes place across genres and meaning, rather than within genres
and meaning. The boundary of the artwork is not contained, but rather is recognised
as leaking into other realms. ------ plants
: : geology : : heritage
: : fish animals : : nonlinear discussion
: : start
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