ISEA2006 project
The Leistavian flag
Leistavian crest
Images of Leistavia
The 'Tallinn Codex' - the original creation of Leistavia site
A history of micronations
Other art virtual nations
Upper Yafa
The Republic of Howland, Baker and Jarvis
KREV Digital Territory
IMAGES OF LEISTAVIA Online viewers, please view the animation twice - the first time your computer is getting used to the images. Main image credits to: Ian M Clothier, Kylli Mariste, Chris Stephens and Joe Flynn. Other images sources are given here.
Online viewers, please view the animation twice - the first time your computer is getting used to the images. Main image credits to: Ian M Clothier, Kylli Mariste, Chris Stephens and Joe Flynn. Other images sources are given here.